Forever An Untitled

Stand at the edge of the cliff with me
High above from the satanic chaos
Hold my hand
I will do everything in my power to protect you

Below us, a city
Forever engulfed in flames
A cloud of toxic debris lingers in the air
Filling the lungs of little ones
A death, imminent
Helicopters roam the skies of night
Recording the last hours of humanity
Final hours in a losing battle with the rising darkness

A dawn after the darkness will never sit
For thou shalt never see the light of daybreak again

I will lead you down the hill after the chaos settles
Dodging invisible branches from left and right
Our feet lead us to the rubble
We find no urge to back out now

We finally reach the streets of the city
Our feet step in something thick
A skeleton outline of our soles leave a trail of red
You hold me close as we get closer

Welcome to your 2012
The end to everything
The end to everything you ever cherished
To everything you ever cared about
Everyone you loved
The reason to your existence
This was hell and it was the end

What I saw stopped me in my tracks
I collapsed to the cement
My arms supporting my weak faint body
I clenched my stomach as I puked everything
Nothing could prepare me for what I saw
The city was dying
Flames engulfed the city
Bodies covered in blood and scars laid out on the street
Fire exiting every car
Explosions happening every few moments
A living breathing hell

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