Future Us

What haunts me the most
Is not from some horror film
But that of my own future

We are taught, told to live in the “now”
For the drunken fun is great for distorting
Distorting our eyes from the rotting world around us
Though do we ever forget our terrible past’s?

The majority of us will never
comprehend to understand
That our future will have no meaning

Our actions as of now don’t mean shit
We live so that we may die
Between now and then
Two consequences will occur
Two trails if you will
One, you go through the actions of life
Or you grow up to be someone of importance

We hold these unrealistic,
unattainable goals for ourselves.
because college isn’t meant for learning how to pick up garbage
From a street’s curb
It is only after we have fast forwarded
Four years later
Spending thousands
Those high expectations that we have put on ourselves
Will become crushed
A sick fucking joke called reality

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